Metal Roofing Tips: How to Handle and Store Metal Panels

handle and store metal post

If you're a metal roofer, then you know how important it is to handle and store your metal roofing panels properly. Not only do you need to be careful with the panels themselves, but you also need to make sure that the surrounding area is clean and free of debris.

In this blog post, we'll show you how to properly handle and store your metal panels so that they stay in good condition for years to come.

The Importance of Proper Handling and Storage of Metal Roofing Panels

Proper handling and storage of metal roofing panels is essential in order to ensure their longevity and performance over time. It's important to keep every single panel dry and out of direct sunlight when not in use, both during transportation and while stored on site. This ensures that they will not be weakened by exposure to water or ultraviolet radiation, which can greatly reduce their lifespan and lead to costly repairs or replacements. Additionally, it's a good idea to store them on flat surfaces so that they retain their proper shape. Taking the necessary steps upfront can help prevent damage and maintenance hassles in years to come.

Potential Damage Caused by Improper Handling and Storage

Improper handling and storage of anything – be it goods, food, or any other item – can cause more serious damage than one would expect. 

In the long run, this can translate into:

  • Bodily injury
  • Health issues
  • Even financial losses for those involved

Anything that is mishandled or stored poorly - such as medical materials and hazardous substances - can have potentially devastating effects on both people and the environment in terms of biological infections, accidents from toxic spills or fires, unfavorable economic impact and much more.

Proper handling and storage are an important factor in ensuring safety and preventing any unnecessary disasters from occurring.

When metal panels are improperly stored or handled , the results can be just as devastating. If a panel is dropped or bent, it may end up being too weak to support its own weight. In addition, improper storage of metal roofs can lead to rust and corrosion due to exposure to water or other elements, making them extremely vulnerable and costly to replace. The last thing your roofing company needs is a lawsuit because of negligence, so make sure you take proper precautions when handling metal roof panels before installation.

Read more: How To Avoid Common Metal Roof Installation Mistakes.

Handling Metal Roofing Panels with Care

Working with metal panels is a tricky job. It requires extra care to ensure that the job is done properly and safely. One of the most important concerns when installing or replacing metal roofing is proper lifting and carrying techniques. 

There are certain tips that should be followed, such as:

  • Maintaining good posture while lifting.
  • Testing the panel's weight prior to moving it.
  • Contact a partner for help if necessary.
  • Keeping your arms fully extended while lifting.
  • Lifting with your legs instead of your back.
  • Asking for help if the panel is too heavy to lift alone.

Additionally, it's important to consider safety when working with metal roofing in inclement weather or high wind; use caution in windy weather, be sure the panels are securely fastened down gently, and take breaks if needed. With proper techniques and methods, handling metal roofing can become much easier.

Storing Metal Roofing Panels

Storing metal roofing panels correctly is essential in order to ensure maximum durability and prevent rust or corrosion. In order to protect the panels from moisture, they should be stored inside in an area with constant temperature and humidity levels—a garage or shed is usually ideal.

It is important to keep the panels away from direct outdoor elements such as rain and snow, as this can cause not only immediate damage but future rusting that might weaken their structural integrity. Sun exposure can also fade the color of the panels over time, so a space with minimal lighting is recommended.

Additionally, when stacking multiple roofing panels on top of each other it's important to separate them with planks of wood for stability and leverage protection; this will not only make them easier to access but will help keep them from being damaged by pressure from heavier items on top of it. With proper storage and reasonable care, metal roofing panels will last for many years.

Protecting Metal Roofing Panels During Transit

Standing seam metal roofing panels come in many shapes and sizes, making them difficult to transport on delivery trucks. To reduce the risk of damage to your product during transit, properly loading and securing the panels is essential.

It's important to place each panel separately on a flat surface so they can't scratch against each other, as well as using straps or pallet jacks to help maintain their position even if there is movement while driving. A barrier or protective cover placed between panels can also protect potential scratches or shipping damage.

Doing careful inspections during loading and unloading is also very important, ensuring that no damage has occurred during transit.

Taking the necessary precautions while transporting metal roofing panels can save time and money in repairs that could have been avoided!

Maintaining Metal Roofing Panels

Installing metal roofing panels can be a great long-term investment, but to make the most of your roof's lifespan you need to stay vigilant about regular maintenance. This involves more than just an eye-check - it's important to thoroughly clean off debris and inspect the panels for any signs of wear or damage. Pulling up on a few panels is also best practice, as this will allow you to take proper care of any corrosion that has already taken hold.

Any issues should be addressed as soon as possible - doing this will help prevent any further water damage which could result in costly repairs down the line. Following these steps may seem tedious now, but it'll pay off in the long run by not only extending the life of your metal roof but also saving you money in the future.

Read more: How to Attach Metal Roof Panels: The Step-by-Step Guide.

Takeaway Tips for Proper Handling and Storage of Metal Roofing Panels

The following tips can help you ensure that your metal roofing panels are properly handled and stored:

  • Use proper lifting techniques when transporting the panels to the job site, avoiding any sudden jerks or motions.
  • Lift each panel with both hands in order to evenly distribute the weight.
  • Be careful when loading and unloading panels from a vehicle, using caution not to drop or scratch them.
  • Store panels in a dry location away from direct sunlight, and on flat surfaces to prevent warping.
  • Cover the panel surface with plastic sheeting or tarps if they will be stored outdoors for an extended period of time.
  • Check panels for any signs of damage prior to installation, such as dents or warped areas.
  • Dispose of any damaged panels immediately in order to avoid potential safety hazards.

We hope that our tips will help you get the most out of your metal roofing investment by ensuring the durability and longevity of your metal panels. Remember to always use proper lifting techniques, store panels in a dry location away from direct sunlight, and check for any signs of damage prior to installation. 

By following these steps, you can help ensure the safety of yourself and others while maximizing the lifespan of your metal roofing panels - they may seem tedious now but they'll pay off in the long run!

Contact Us today to learn more about our standing seam metal roofing tools and supplies.